Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Announce Myself SICK!!

It all started yesterday.....when I bloody got a cold. Oh well, I just ignored it as I thought that it was just a common cold. Then, during class, my head felt a little woozy and it hurts, headache ma. From there, I knew that it was a symptom of me going to have a fever! But yesterday, my class ends at 5pm. So, that means I have to suffer until 5pm before I can go back to the hostel and take 2 panadols. Ok, fine, I ate my panadols already, and I got instantly knocked-out on my bed.

TODAY!! When I woke up, again I felt feverish. Oh, well, I got no time to bother about that now as I need to drag my ass into class! To make matters worst, it was raining in the morning!! The classes were so cold!! Thank god my classes for today last only until 10am. I went back to the hostel and get some more rest.

Hm....come to think of it, UniTEN and UPM are quite close by only...and UPM seems to have caught the H1N1 virus. Could it be.......NAH!! Impossible!! But there were people fogging though, must be the dengue coming back into town~

Sufering for now....there is nothing uncurable with a good rest and 0% stress!! =P