Wow, i felt like my blog is dying, i need to do something!! So what else is there to do, update of coz~
Christmas Day
Wonderful day, for me at least, becoz i made some1 happy, very happy i mean. I wun say who, dun be so ba gua~ XD
Of coz, what is Christmas without christmas dinner~~~
I went to my neighbours house for the christmas dinner and it was SOOOOOOOOOO NICE!! FTW!!!
Today, Listened to Theory And Practical
OMFG!! So bored for 6 hours!!! I can feel that the lecturers are doing their best to keep us (the people) awake by cranking up some jokes or funny pointers, but i juz can't resist the temptation to take a nap!!
Anyway, i met an old friend today, i also dun wanna say her name~
Now, i hav to wait for 2 weeks b4 i get my L license, i can relax, sweet~
Till then, bb~
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Updates Again!!
Posted by Andy at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wow, so long I din update my blog ady.
As promised, presenting, my doggie~~
quite a mutt isn't he? this dog mayb small, but it has a VERY annoying bark, intruders beware!
Next up, my undang test~
I got 45/50, i was like so shocked!!
I din even study!! I juz dumped the 500 questions book 1 side of my bed room, and it can't find it ady!!
Anyway, passed ady, feeling so chi gek now, going for the 6 hour course soon!! argh!!
Till better things to talk about, cya~
Posted by Andy at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Yay, new doggie~~
Today was a fine day, very fine indeed.
Finally I got a new dog to play with.
To bad its not the my dream dog, a golden retriever (drools) but instead, my dad got a silky terrier instead. I'll post the pictures tomorrow, let it be groomed 1st.
Now, let the battke between cat(s) and dog begin~~
Posted by Andy at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Today's Outing~~
Today I went to Sunway Pyramid under the Taekwando Club's name for year end party time!! Wootzies!!
Lets see who went, if i can remember correctly...
- Me (obviously)
- Allan, my younger bro
- Chiew Foong
- Wai Leong
- Jun Jet
- Eugene
- May Kwan
- Lai Kwan
- Yik Fui
- Siew Mun
- Yee Lin
- Kah Yee
- Kit Chun
- Evon Loi
- Sheen (Evon's Friend, Ithink thats howto spell her name)
I think thats all....bad memory for me....XD
First of all, I want to talk about yesterday night, but before that, some introductions of the cause of the events turmoil.
To begin, Sir (dun wanna mention his name, ruin his reputation later) told us that he was going to treat us for the party. And so, we were all happy-go-lucky kinda attitude and we went there. Actually, none of us even thought of bringing over RM 100 over there.
So, it was decided that the party will be held on
Date : 10th December 2008 (today)
Venue : Sunway Pyramid
Time : 11.00 am
Event Turmoil
Yesterday night, sir called me and we had this conversation
Sir : Hello, Andy?
Me : Yes Sir?
Sir : Andy, do you have a bank account?
Me : Er...yes sir, but its not an ATM account.
I kinda knew where this conversation was going, so I decided to find out more, curiosity keeps us moving foward, at the same time, curiosity killed the cat. Two idioms clashing together, funny huh? So this proves that it is ok to be curious, but there is a limit to your curiosity.
Sir : Do you know anybody with an ATM account?
Me : Sir, why would you want our ATM accounts for?
Sir : I cannot attend the party tomorrow, so i am going to deposit "some" money into one of you accounts.
Me : Oh, OK.
I KNEW IT!! Sir couldn't come to the party!! So, when he say he was going to deposit some money, i just thought it will be ok lo. Then, i go around asking the participants who will be attending tml's party. At last!! Found out that May Kwan has an ATM account. So I went and told her
Me : May Kwan, can you pass sir your account number so that sir can deposit money into it?
May Kwan : For what orh?
Me : Sir cannot go to the party tomorrow ma!! So he give us money in advance 1st lo.
May Kwan : Oh ok.
Me : Text sir your account number, cause if speak on phone might make a mistake, then transfer into wrong account.
May Kwan : Ok.
Me : Tell me later when sir reply.
So, the most unpredictable thing was the amount of money sir was going to cash in. An hour later, May Kwan SMS-ed me (couldn't reply, phone no credit). This is was she wrote.
I was like WTFOMGBBQPAWNZ! What the fuck are we going with RM 50? Then I count back the number of people going. Its not even enough to feed each of our mouths!! So, back to the drawing board (online) and discuss with the President( Wai Leong) and Vice-President ( Chiew Foong). So its decided that we will fork out our own money and pay for the food and entertainment in Sunway Pyramid.
Next Day (Go Sunway)
Yay, go Sunway time my dad is taking me, my younger bro, wai leong, and chiew foong go. We were suppose to be there by 1100 hours, but we reached there early so we thought of going to the McDonalds 1st, then wemet Eugene near the evalator and the 5 of us went to McDonalds, but no one was there, so Eugene susgested that we go hit the arcade while we wait for them. So we went to the arcade, I play until crazy ady with Chiew Foong, since he wanna go over the limits, might as well join him and go bananas!!
Play till half-way, Lai Kwan called scolded by her, the reason? For making her wait at McDonalds?! Its unreasonable ("-.-) we went there and nobody was there so, we waited out and got bored and hit the arcade, whats wrong with that?! Ah well, got scolded anyway...zzz. Luckily, they were handing free theSUN newspapers in McDonalds, so I took the liberty of taking one for free and begin to read it. My friends thought I was weird (I seriously think I was) for reading the newspaper. Haiz, what can do, getting old ma!
So slowly by slowly, everybody meets at McDonalds. Since sir sponsored only RM 50, and we have to conserve every single cent. So I only eat a bowl of McDonald's porridge which bloody cost me RM 3.00 and yet to add 10% service tax and 5% government tax!! Anyway, it was ok, what made me full was the continuous free refills at McDonalds!! GOD BLESS MCDONALDS!!
OK, its time for us to go out saperate ways. Lai Kwan wants to go to the Red Box and sing karaoke, I rejected cause I can't sing at all.
So, me, Allan, Chiew Foong, Wai Leong, May Kwan, Jun Jet and Eugene went for the movies. OK, here comes another conflict, some of us already watched some movies which others wanna watch, so the best solution, watch an "unknown" movie. Well, we watched the Wild Child. My viewers ratings.....3/5 for an average movie. Before the movie, I went to reload my phone, and guess who I saw, I saw Siew Chin and Evonne going up the escalator towards the cinema!! I was dumbfolded the moment I was Siew Chin and Siew Chin saw me!! What a coincidence!! Too bad I din see them after that, lol.
After the movie, we went to the archery range!! YAY!! 1st time plays the bow and arrow!! it was quite fun! RM 99.00 for 250 arrows, so its it 50 arrows per head since Eugene and Jun Jet went to the arcades again ("-.-). The game was short but VERY FUN!! My arm hurts after that though, and it won't stop shaking, my body problems are getting worse, need to see a doctor soon, but its impossible to convince my dad if there is anything wrong with me.
Next, we went to play table pool after meeting up with Eugene and Jun Jet. Damn, I can't get use to that place! The second handed smoke smell lingers around. So I went for a stroll around Jusco and bought a bottle of Lipton Green Tea (yummy TEA!!). After that, we went down to Jusco's food court to eat, it was expensive and seriously unappetizing!! Thank god I din't buy any food.
The day ends just like that. From then onwards, it time to pack our bags, and take a hike home!
Going Education Fair again this Friday or Saturday~
Then going PC Fair on Saturday or Sunday~
Waaa, type so much, I don't think any1 will read also lo.....
Till next time, ciaoz!
Posted by Andy at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
HOLY !@#$
Shitty shitty bang bang!! I am back to update my blog!! (''-.-)
Today listen to undang....o mai gwad 5 hours + 1/2 hour break, no mp3, cannot sleep....too cold... listen to the old hag blah blah blah, laughing to herself and all...I was !@#$.
The "classroom" only got 18 people, and with 2 air conditioners summore (2.5 horse power). So damn cold....cannot sleep...too few people to cover me...cannot listen to mp3, cause too bored there....gonna die ady....went there around 9.30 finish at 3.30.
I need to take the Undang test soon (on the computer) lets hope Ipass, if not, I rly commit seppuku lo!!! For those who dun know what seppuku means, it means commit suicide in japanese.
Next topic, I went to May Kwan's house for BBQ ytd~~
So fun, me and chiew foong, eat ady then eat again like cannot full 1 (haha)~~
Ytd was so shiock!! I rly broke the record le!! My father din even call me until around 12.30 asking me when am i coming home!! Actually, that time I was kinda playing Mahjong while waiting for wai leong so we can go home together. Playing Mahjong with Jun Jet and Kit Chun was fun!! I get to win, haha (pro ma =X)!!
To answer all of your questions on what job i took ( recommended by wei ming ), i took a job in the field of assets management. It means I re-order peoples assets and make sure that it is enough ot tally with the paper or list (you get the picture).
Working hours : 9am - 6pm (full time leh!)
Working days : Weekdays (monday - friday) *yay, saturday and sunday free!!*
Basic Salary : RM 1100
Wages per Day : RM 50 ( doubles if i work on weekends)
OK, i got nothing to write for now ady....
I'll be back! ( Terminator Style)
Posted by Andy at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Its Been A While.....
Its been a while since I updated my blog. I guess I was just too busy playing Maple Story (haha).
Recent events in my life....
Went to Fungi's organ solo performance~~
It was so COOL!! But the keyboard screwed Fungi on his second performance!! (''-.-)
Wei Ming found me a job, but I have yet to reply, better go reply soon, I am going to take the job anyways, RM 1, 100 per month. Its not that bad....(for me)
Just register to listen to Undang yesterday...going to the boring ceramah for 5~6 hours.
Darn, life is so boring.
Holiday is SOOOOOOOO boring.
I wonder when can I see all my friends again...
Christmas and New Year is coming, anybody feel like going KLCC to watch the fireworks during New Year? Take me along with you if you guys are planning to do so~
Till next time, ciaoz
Posted by Andy at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
7th Day Of SPM......
Dang, freggingly got owned by physics today...ah long as dun fail can de la
*Tunku Abdul Rahman Style*
Posted by Andy at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
6th Day Of SPM......
I think i am goinging nuts, let me sing a song~
It never gets old huh?
It kinda makes you wanna break it into a song?
I love the mountains~
I love the clear blue skys~
I love big bridges~
I love when great whites fly~
I love the whole world~
And all its sight and sound~
Boom de yah~
I love the ocean~
I love the dirty things~
I love the go fast~
I love the egytian kings~
I love the whole world~
And all its craziness~
Boom de yah~
I love tornadoes~
I love the archinands~
I love hot magma~
I love the giant squids~
I love the whole world~
Its such a brilliant place~
Boom de yah~
Boom de yah~
Goodbye the lovely world of BIO, see ya in HELL!!
Posted by Andy at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
5th Day of SPM.....
Holy COW!!!! Chemistry wasn't like what i expected it to be!!
I hope I can scrape good marks though!!
3 more fregging subjects to go!!
Posted by Andy at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
4th day of SPM....
WTF!! WTF!! WTF!! Add Maths? BO LIAO LU~~~~
Moral was quite OK.....
Ah well, 6 down, 4 to go....
Posted by Andy at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Extraordinary Commercial
ok, i know it is SPM and all, and i m not suppose to be blogging, but i found this very funny video, in
As it says, You Can Shine.
Fight my bretherens fight till the end of SPM!
Posted by Andy at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
3rd Day Of SPM....
holy f**k!! i made some grave errors, but i think i can still scrape a good grade!!
maths down, 6 more subjects to go!
Add Maths
Moral (why do i even take exam for it?)
Posted by Andy at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
2nd Day Of SPM...
OK, today wasn't that bad.... i got high hopes for English and also, i think i can score a B for my SEJ~~
3 down, 7 to go!
Posted by Andy at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
1st Day Of SPM...
omg...its juz the 1st day and i want to cry ady!!
goodbye my A for BM....
Posted by Andy at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
If Obama Can, So Can We!
As stated in the topic, If Obama can become the President of United States of America as the successor of George W. Bush. I do not think that anything can stop our path here in Malaysia. In the US, Native Americans (The Blacks), are usually discriminated by the "White Mans". So, I was wondering, if Obama can break that racial discrimination, why can't we as Malaysians breaking the limits of Malaysia?
First of all, I will not go so far-fetched as aiming to be the 1st Chinese Prime Minister of Malaysia, but look around us, maybe the education system will be a great start. Lets look at the JPA Scholarship, it famously known for the Chinese and Indians that the chances of getting the scholarship will be close to zero, maybe 1:infinity, the failing rate is huge and likely but it is still undefined because there is a never ending zero to infinity!
What I am trying to say here is, we can change Malaysia, not by being a minister or something, but as the younger generation of Malaysians have the power of democracy in our hands, we choose our leaders. Take not that the Prime Minister can only be a Malay, it can also be a Chinese or Indian. No law in the Constitution of Malaysia has stated that the Prime Minister can only be a Malay! But, this brings to another question, why does the elections for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister is only opened in UMNO? Why no Chinese leaders in at Barisan Nasional coalition has ever took part in the contents? Does this means the the Barisan Nasional coalition parties apart from UMNO is only a pretty face to get the support of people?
There is still many questions to be answer but if I continue and if my blog is exposed to "tau-fu-fa", I maybe arrested under ISA and Sedition Act for questioning the Malay Supremacy, or what should we say, "Ketuanan Melayu". But I believe that this is My freedom of speech in the internet, where law are unbound! Why would I say so? Websites such as this << click can exist in the internet without getting sued by Malaysia for destroying their good name, or defamation.
Posted by Andy at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Truth That Everyone Must Know.....
I found this while I was reading Malaysia Today months ago, and if it is the truth, then our history book have been altered to pro-government style (to show how supportive the government is to all races)
The Real Story Of May 13 (pt 1)
The Real Story Of May 13 (pt 2)
The Real Story Of May 13 (pt 3)
Based on my theory, if what stated is true, then we are currently reverting to the past 50 years ago (approximately) where the idea of a singular party with multi-racial community in it. Yes, I am talking about Dato' Onn Jaafar's idea when he said that he wants to open the UMNO membership to non-malays or the time when he established the Independence Malayan Party (IMP) for the singular purpose.
However, because of the selfishness of the Malays (no offence), they rejected the idea, because they were scared that their special position of Bumi-putra will be threatened. So, maybe the Form 5 History text book has some facts in it, but is it all true? Because as I see it, Tunku Abdul Rahman was a great man too (he had some chinese people as Poker kaki(s) )until he was betrayed by his Deputy Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Razak.
Be noted that Najib is Abdul Razak's son, and it will be all over their ruling generation again!! This does not make Malaysia a democratic country at all!! For now, we are following the RAHMAN* theory anyway and we must take note that the governement has swindle all the tax payers money, you may say it does not concern you, but it will soon be!
For example, when Hishammuddin said so dramaticly that he sacrificed his Raya holiday just to go to Paris to participate in a Convention Meeting. I was saying my foot to his shitty sacrifice! The living cost in Paris is so f**king high!! A serious waste of tax payers money!!
I can see who is the next PM to be already, it will be Hishammuddin, since he is already contesting for the vice-president seat AND, because he is the son of Tun Hussien Onn.
A-Abdul Razak
H-Hussien Onn
A-Abdullah Badawi
-10 cents of my thoughts-
Posted by Andy at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Played Like A Fool.....
Early morning bad mood already.... the so-called "CERAMAH" that the form 5 Alpha and Beta that we are suppose to have is not even going on.....
Here's the time length of the event before I got fed-up and went home....
- 7.00am : Went to school...sit at the "pondok" while reading History.
- 7.30am : Wai Mun came, BUT there is still no one else!! Not even the teachers, so I continue reading History.
- 7.35am : I went and called Kien Sin, and he said it was 10.00am!! I was like WTF?!! However I recalled that it wasn't so late 1, so I wait out a ittle longer....
- 7.45am : OK, now I am getting irritated, since there is still not a single soul in sight apart from me and Wai Mun, so I decided to call Wai Leong. He says it is 8.00am to 1.00pm. Since it is almost 8.00 am anyway, I waited out again....
- 8.00am : Damn, since when people are punctual?!!
- 8.20am : GOD DAMN IT!! I HAD IT!! Me and Wai Mun just left the school and went back home!
If it was you, are you pissed?? Of course you ARE! The school has gone from bad to worse, saying that there is a "CERAMAH" and when it is cancelled, there is no notification at all!!
BTW, I am currently fooling around with the HTML, so any changes made to the blog please dun mind~
Posted by Andy at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
At Last!! Free From Debts!!
OH MY FREGGING GAWD!! Finally!! I am free from my debts to the school!! Bloody hell, lucky this day has come, i couldn't bare the pressure of owing the school is juz not right! Anyhow, with the school textbooks outta my hands, i am free from doubts.
But before i returned my textbooks, the school organized a "MOTIVATIONAL" talk for the Form 5 students and I was like, OH S**T!! CERAMAH!!! F**K!! Then, I saw the name of the person who is going to give the talk, and what I saw was, Pn. Norafiza. 1st thought in my mind, " Oh god, why today?!".
She talked about our options for the future and how to "REDUCE" our stress. Since my results are not that good, instead of helping us release of stress, she seems like applying oil to the fire by telling us that our options for "AVERAGE" students are close to zero for getting a scholarship and all. She is not "REDUCING" our stress, she is "INCREASING" our stress!! I wonder if she is trying to apply reverse psychology method.....but one thing is for sure, it is not working!! She even drew a time-length scale of her achievements and the roads she has taken. Well, if she can do that, maybe so can I (hehe). In the book The Analects Of Confucius, it was written,
And found my footing when I was 30,
At 40 I was free from doubts.
Well, here is MY version,
I set a goal when I was 15,
But I have not found my footing when I was 30,
At 40 I am extremely puzzled....
Posted by Andy at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
All Teachers Ain't That Bad.....
Today was so freaking cool!!
Physics exam was in the pocket already!!
Teacher din't even lied to us about the paper from MRSM 2007!!
Finished my exam in 1 hour......
I guess not all teachers are the same~
Posted by Andy at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today was sure special, we had our 'second trial' examination where the teachers won't even mark the question papers. So, since I know that our teachers were going to use questions from other states, i asked my chemistry teacher which paper will come out. So she told me that she will use the paper from the SOUTH state for our examination. I stupidly went through all the trouble to get the SOUTH state paper with its answer scheme just to get a better result (study).
But then, at last, the moment of truth, all of us (those who has the SOUTH state paper tip) got tricked by our cunning (female dog*) teacher!! It came out as WEST paper and and all of us was like WTF?! Tomorrow got physics test, i don't know if I wanna trust my teacher 1 more time anot already....
*Translate into simple English
No name was mentioned here
Posted by Andy at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Perfect Harmony (Ya Rite....)

Posted by Andy at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Hindraf's Note To Syed Hameed
OK, pay attention because I find this very funny, totally unexpected.
In Hindraf own handwriting to let Syed Hamid know Hindraf was still in the game. Syed Hamid opened the letter and it appeared to contain a single line of coded message: 370HSSV-0773H
Syed Hamid was baffled, so he e-mailed it to Najib. Najib and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to Ismail Omar.
No one could solve it at Ismail Omar office (good for nothing fellows) so it went to the ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency).
With no clue as to its meaning they eventually sent back to Najib’s office
I cracked the "code" now its your turn. Have a good laugh~
Posted by Andy at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: From Malaysia Today
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kena tagged by Stan (Darn Tomato)
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. What is it that bothers you the most?
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
3. What kind of news do you read?
politics and economics
4. What is your ultimate wish?
excel in exam (have to work for it though)
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
yeap (ain't tell who)
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
7. Are you afraid of pain ?
hit me whith all you got!!!
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
No comment....=X
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
friendly, passionate, trustable
11.What is your 5 most passionate thing at this moment?
my nakamas (buddies), my computer, my bed, my books and myself
12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
trying to sabotaj me~
13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
RICE!!! (staple food)
14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
i rather be happy
15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
the slacker part of me
16. Will you ever leave your blog to die?
someday, when i go NS that time~~ and come back, 3 months oledi...but, nah...
17. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
nothing....i hate myself in every aspect....
18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
my memories (never do a stupid thing twice)
19. What is the weirdest habit of yours (young or now)?
researching non-relevent stuff....*shy*
20. I'm tagging
Kai Mun (Si Mun's younger bro)
Posted by Andy at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Pak Lah~
Damn shiok la this video~
Personally one of my favourites~
Posted by Andy at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Something I Find Very Interesting!!
Actually, I find it kinda funny~
Have fun watching~
Posted by Andy at 9:12 PM 0 comments
1st Post!
Yay, my 1st post of the blog!! Time for my opening speech.
I would like to
OK, I will just cut the crap, no opening speeches.
For your information most of my blog details will be taken out articles from Malaysia-Today.
Posted by Andy at 9:07 PM 0 comments