Thursday, November 6, 2008

If Obama Can, So Can We!

As stated in the topic, If Obama can become the President of United States of America as the successor of George W. Bush. I do not think that anything can stop our path here in Malaysia. In the US, Native Americans (The Blacks), are usually discriminated by the "White Mans". So, I was wondering, if Obama can break that racial discrimination, why can't we as Malaysians breaking the limits of Malaysia?

First of all, I will not go so far-fetched as aiming to be the 1st Chinese Prime Minister of Malaysia, but look around us, maybe the education system will be a great start. Lets look at the JPA Scholarship, it famously known for the Chinese and Indians that the chances of getting the scholarship will be close to zero, maybe 1:infinity, the failing rate is huge and likely but it is still undefined because there is a never ending zero to infinity!

What I am trying to say here is, we can change Malaysia, not by being a minister or something, but as the younger generation of Malaysians have the power of democracy in our hands, we choose our leaders. Take not that the Prime Minister can only be a Malay, it can also be a Chinese or Indian. No law in the Constitution of Malaysia has stated that the Prime Minister can only be a Malay! But, this brings to another question, why does the elections for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister is only opened in UMNO? Why no Chinese leaders in at Barisan Nasional coalition has ever took part in the contents? Does this means the the Barisan Nasional coalition parties apart from UMNO is only a pretty face to get the support of people?

There is still many questions to be answer but if I continue and if my blog is exposed to "tau-fu-fa", I maybe arrested under ISA and Sedition Act for questioning the Malay Supremacy, or what should we say, "Ketuanan Melayu". But I believe that this is My freedom of speech in the internet, where law are unbound! Why would I say so? Websites such as this << click can exist in the internet without getting sued by Malaysia for destroying their good name, or defamation.