Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Post....

Hello everybody!! Its been awhile since I updated my blog.......maybe it is because I was too lazy to update must be the reason....

Anyway, last Saturday, the gang had a BBQ organized over at Wei Ming's house and OH MAI GAWD! The food is SO NICE!!! Credits goes to Aik Cheong for preparing the chicken and lamb!! Anyway, a new healthier way is founded to "grill" the chicken....I can't really say its grill since it doesn't goes golden brown....Anyway, for the sake of fun of it, I took a piece of chicken an wrapped it in the Aluminium Wrap juz to test it out.

The results? Well, its kinda shocking to me!! Since I juz dumped it in the BBQ pit after wrapping it, I assume that there were going to be some burn marks. But guess what, there was none!! The colour was creamy and there was nice fragrance coming out from it too....*drools*. Kinda makes me hungry now.....

I asked Evonne to go to the BBQ also, but she says that she got exams coming up and she doesn't really favours BBQ (I wonder why) , so she don't want to go...Oh well, less man more share =D. Evonne, ya really don't know what you are missing on!!!

Anyway, I made the biggest screw up in my life yet!!! AND I know I am going to regret this for a very long time to come. I just wish I can get over it. Now, I don't even have to mood to play Dragonica anymore. If it can be fixed, I thank god for the second chance...if not, Hell, here I come.