Friday, June 26, 2009

Bon Voyage??

Gosh, time sure flies in a blink of an eye. Tomorrow I'll be going to UniTEN for registration and on Sunday will be the start of orientation. Yes, I did say Sunday, but, come to think of it, who on earth works on Sunday? Isn't it a day off? Well, I don't know what is going on, but as the wise man say, go with the flow, not against it.

Anyway, orientation will last for a week, until next week Friday noon in fact. My dad told me not to bring my laptop!! NOOO!!! AAHHH!! Boredom in the hostel. Oh well, he IS the law anyway. My mum also told me to cut my hair!! Darn it, I thought of leaving it longer to see what happens to it, since I never really see my natural hairstyle before. Since she is the Minister Of Home Affairs (at home) I got no choice to follow before she charges me under ISA (room quarantine).

Alvin just gave me his Foundation books. I looked at it and I was dizzy already! 

Look at the books. Lets first look at the Physics text book. WOW, so damn THICK! Calculus is as thick as Physics? Chemistry is even thicker then both of my Form Four and Form Five text book put together!! Holy crap, life is sure hard for me in university. Well, for a shortcut, there IS a price I must pay. There is nothing I cannot endure in life!!

So currently, I my objective list, I already accomplished two objectives of mine which is to get a new handphone and also a laptop. Now, I got two more waiting in the line which is to get a pair of tinted glasses and of course, get myself a girl friend. Yes, yes I know, you all are laughing at it. Go on ahead, laugh all you want!! Lets see who will get the last laugh!

But I really don't know If I can get one for real. Since I got the past that haunts me all the time. Some things are just too hard to let go and too painful to go through again. Oh well, life must go on, and these kind of things need to go sooner ot later, so why don't I make it now? 

I guess this is it for now...