Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday Outing....


-More photoes...took from Wei Ming~

Last Sunday, I went out with my pals, now only I update. I was waiting for the pictures from Wei Ming, but without success, I did not manage to get my hands on them.  Nevermind la, get back to the basics first. Time for an old-fashioned story telling session.

Once upon a time.....this isn't working for me......not my way....I'll get to the point.....

Last Sunday, Chiew Foong apparently gathered the old crew back for abit of yam cha session. But this was no ordinary yam cha!! Why?? Because, we are eating shaved ice inMill Wheel Ice Cafe at 9pm?!! We must going out of our minds, nevermind, only once in a blue moon!! Anyway, lets see who was, Wei Ming, Wai Yan, Piak Hong, Wai Kie, Si Mun, Tian Ai and Vone Deng. Yeap, thats all of it...

Wei Ming was the chauffeur for that night's event. A big THANK YOU to him, and lets be done with it. Ok, he drove his mom's Unser to fetch,  Wai Kie, me, Wai Yan, Chiew Foong and Piak Hong to the cafe.

Mr. Chauffeur, haha!!

Anyway, go there do what? Oh course chit chat and eat la, what else? Talk talk until so shiock, the shop also very noisy!!


Everyone talked until so happy, to catch up on old times sake. Man, I really miss the old days.... no worries or what so time to look back at past, the vast future is ahead of us!! After eating the shaved ice, someone proposed to watch a late night movie in IOI, I was like, "here we go again....". Everytime we got an outing, nothing really goes according to plan, there is always last minute or on the spot proposals!! Can really giv heart attack one you know!! But, in the end, that is what so fun going out with those guys....

Well, Piak Hong, and Wai Yan can't go while I choose not to go. So, Wei Ming, and Wai Kie also din go, since Wei Ming bears the responsibility of the "Ah Mat" a.k.a driver. However, as the other group goes and watch G-Force, we took a night stroll around Puchong Jaya. We went to a cliff, nice, quiet, and beautiful too.....relax and chill abit there...took some pictures too~

The night view....

My camera ain't all the good. Handphone quality only!

Anyway, that was not the end of it, after night viewing, we wentdown to Bandar Putri for the heck of it and then, the plan struck us that we'll eat at the small "steamboat lorry". 

This was what I meant....

They seem to be enjoying it...

That's all folks!!

Note: I updated my blog already, no more complains right? =P