On 3rd of September which was a Thursday, apparently, my Uniten Buddhist Fellowship (UBF) seniors took us, the members of UBF for a trip to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)!!!! Well, I din't tell my parents about the trip and I just went on my own accord, so that makes me a bad boy right?
Anyway, I am usually exhausted on Thursday, so my class finished at 4pm, went back to the hostel around 4.30pm during that time, if I am not mistaken, I was still sms-ing with Jo Nie, then I got knocked out. Too tired already I guess. Woke up around 6.00pm and I must get ready to go out already, as my UBF buddies are going out to eat. There is nothing wrong going out with my seniors, mark my words, they are all VERY nice people!!
Ker Jing, my housemate, Ker Jia's brother came to pick me, Ker Jia, Ming Kang and Chee Kong from our hostel. Too bad we first years cannot drive in Uniten, have to rely on our seniors. Anyway, we met up with half of the UBF members at the library before we drove off to a food court in Sungai Chua to meet up with everybody.
Ok, I kinda regreted I did not take any photoes when we were eating, I guess I was to busy eating and talking about the imbecile concept of 1 Malaysia and politics. Anyway, I was in the food court, and there was not really a variety food there, so of all the things, I went over to the Tai Chao, and ordered a plate of Kung Fu Yin Yong (Sorry for very bad ping ying). It cost me RM 4.50, and ok la, it was quite big also, better compared to the rest of the hawker stalls.
Finish eating already? We better be! It was already 7.00pm+ during we finished, and we were suppose to be at UKM at 7.30pm. Oh well, it is the Malaysian style to be late. MALAYSIA BOLEH!! When I reach UKM, I was like OH MY GOD!! It is all kinda cramped up, building left and right of me!! When compared to Uniten, it is certainly much more cramped while Uniten is more spacious, there are greeneries everywhere. Most importantly, I am very dumbfounded when I found this in UKM...

HOLY S**T!!! It is a Maggi Mee Cup Noodles vending machine!!!! You wouldn't find one of those in Uniten!! I swear!! After so long wondering in my life, 18 years 4 days I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A VENDING MACHINE!!! I WANT ONE IN UNITEN ALSO!! MAKES SUPPER EASIER!!!
Oh well, enough with my stupidity!! Get on with the main event!! We, from Uniten proceed to the theater where the event was going to be held. It was 8.00pm when we reached there and I thought we were late! How I knew, that they practiced the Malaysia culture of lateness also!! Once again, MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! Anyway, the event started approximately 8.30pm like that, indeed the Malaysian culture. Anyway, enough with it...presenting the MC of the night...

Kinda forgotten what was his name, I am always bad at remember people's name! That is my biggest weakness in socializing. Unless it is pretty girls then you cannot blame me for it. The speaker of the night was brother Chong,

He is also not very young already, but he is an ex-UKM student
Anyway, to continue on with my story, I kinda regretted I went to this event, but at the same time, I felt glad that I went. Why would I regret? Because, when he touched the topic about love, he made me remember my painful past, my past that I have always regretted. It is not something you would want to remember if you have it. Moreover, the lecture was really not meant for someone who is heart-broken. My heart throbbed of pain while he was talking, for some reason, my tears was at a brink of falling, but THANK GOD IT DIN'T FALL!!
But when he talked about what is important in our life, I came to a realization, I found my answer, I knew what must be done. No, I have not reach enlightment yet, but I am still seeking my path. I cannot leave my heart left in a darken state forever, I have to confront it and move on with life. But the only problem is how? How am I going to confront it? I was in a dillema until the lecture. All there is left to do, is confront her when the time is right. This is why I am glad I followed my seniors to UKM. I too must thank my friends for pressuring me to go when they knew there was a hole within me.
There was a song sang by the committee after every section of the talks. Oh well, out of the 6 or 7 songs sang, I only maange to stole 2 of them (cam rec). Anyway, I posted them on facebook. It's a hassle to post them here again anyway, so just go to my face book and see. Anyway, here are some pictures.

Yesterday, 4th of September, it was a disasterous Friday. My PTPTN loan application form was in a mess!! When I was on my way to submit it, my dad called me, tell me that my Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN) loan has been approved! I was really happy about it. I really must thank my prosperity cat which is now hanging on my phone for such luck. My luck seems to have changed with the prosperity cat around by my side. But everything has its ups and downs. Perhaps the success of my YTN requires a payment, a payment which made me......you know la.
Till next time, tata!