Saturday, November 14, 2009

The End Of The World....

Today, was spectacular!!! I went to IOI with my siblings to watch 2012! A movie directed by the same director for Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow. And God, it lived up to my expectations. I was impressed by the graphical works in the movie, it was made very realistic.

Watching the movie made me thought to myself, if the world was to end, what would I be doing? I know, I wouldn't survive, so, I should resist my death right? But at the moment of my death, what am I doing? Would I die alone? Or would I die with my loved ones? Dying with my friends? Got killed while studying?

No matter which way I die, it'll still be the same. Death impales upon me, so I shall recieve it with honour. There is a teaching in Buddhism that states when there is life, there will be death. Knowing that there will be death, we know that we will die one day, so, we must mentally be ready for it so that our souls do not linger around rentlessly. 

2012 is approx 3 years from now, is it just a myth? Or is it going to reset the world's calander? We do not know, but, embrace yourself when the time come, prepare to die, as in Malaysia, there will be no hope at all. This movie is a must to watch!!! Ratings, 4/5!!