Phew, today was sure tiring. I had Physics Lab theorical paper test today. This test really took another toll on my state of mind, I had 3 test this week, so with one blow after another, I am prone to break down sooner or later as for every test, I always burn midnight oil the day before. Anyway, skip to the chase, today, I went out with Evonne, Siew Chin, Wei Fung and Wei Ming to celebrate Siew Chin's birthday in Sunway Pyramid.
Actually, I had a choice either to go to my grandmother's place to celebrate mooncake festival or go out with Evonne and the rest of the gang. I choose to go with out with my friends due to certain reason to be explained over the course of the story.
This was suppose to be a surprise birthday party, so Siew Chin din't know that me, Wei Fung, Wei Ming, Jeevaraj and Kunalan was coming (Jeeva and Kuna was there for a short while before we parted our ways). Rushed back from UniTEN back to Puchong, just so I can meet up with Wei Fung and Wei Ming over at Wei Fung's place. Damn, no time to rest also. Since the test already took a toll on my conscious, my alert and awareness was fading that time.
Wei Fung's mom fetch the 3 of us to the bus stop in Bukit Kuchai, so that saves us the trouble of walking. Evonne was already in Sunway when we reached the bus stop, so I asked her to buy us time until we arrived. The problem here was waiting for a taxi takes time. Anyway, we got one in the end and boy the driver talks alot!!! Wei Ming and Wei Fung was laughing at the back while I entertain the driver. Thank god I went to National Service, or else I won't be able to handle this kind of problems. My solution was easy, just talk with the driver and go with the flow, depending on his topic of conversation.
Eventually, he was talking about the incompetence of the contractor nowdays. Their disability to do a proper job and wasting land. OK, since I know that topic, I just held a conversation with the driver and relating his topic with other problems such as the cracks on the MRR2 support beam. While I was trying to keep up with the conversation, Wei Ming and Wei Fung keeps on making fun at the back!! Hey, you two, try to be in my shoes, I wanna see how well can you deal with people!
Anyway, when we reached Sunway Pyramid already, the fare cost me RM11.10, Wei Ming, you still owe me money for the cab fare. Haha, nevermind just put it on my tab. So reach there already, first thing to do? Call Evonne to get her position so we don't accidently bang into each other. She told me she was in Asian Avenue, so I thought while we are both far away, might as well get Siew Chin a present first. After discussing with Wei Ming and Wei Fung what to get for her, we decided to get Siew Chin a necklace. All of a sudden, Evonne told me that she was running out of excuses to keep Siew Chin in company.
Our resolve was? Go meet up with them first, as we were walking we noticed that Evonne and Siew Chin was right infront of us, but we din't make a sound about it nor called their names. It was suppose to be a surprise right? But then, Evonne turned around and we were B~U~S~T~E~D!! Siew Chin also spotted us. So much for a surprise eh? Oh well, it was worth looking at the expression on her face. She was like "OH MY GOD" kinda face!!
Oh well, time to have lunch, since neither I, Wei Ming or Wei Fung had been in Asian Avenue before, we were kinda lost, long story cut short, we don't know what to eat. So, we let the ladies decide, but now they are turning their heads on us! How would we know? Its not like we go to Sunway all the time. In the end, we ate in the Korean Street Cafe cause we don't know what to eat.

Mushroom Ramen ^^
Me, Wei Fung and Evonne had noodles while Wei Ming and Siew Chin had rice, guess they must be hungry. Before the food came, we talked and chatted, catching up on our present issues. Well, come to think of it, it IS the first time either me, Wei Fung or Wei Ming ever went out the Siew Chin and Evonne!! Since everytime asked them out, they also like busy one. I don't know why, but I ate too fast, well, maybe because I have yet to eat anything until then. Too hungry. Soon, Jeevaraj and Kunalan showed up, and THEY ARE LATE! Since Kuna already watched Far Cry, he and Jeeva will be watching Perfect Getaway. That leaves the 5 of us watching Far Cry. Thank god Jeeva came today, I finally can give him back his handkerchief that he left at my place during his visit for Chinese New Year.
By the time we were talking about the movie, I asked Evonne what time does the movie starts and she said 3.45pm, but time was already 3.15pm so for the first time I've known Evonne so long, I heard her say "shit". We have yet to claim the reserved tickets!! So, me and Wei Ming went to the cinema to get the tickets. Lucky for us, the reserved tickets were still available. Now, me and Wei Ming waited for Evonne, Siew Chin and Wei Fung's arrival and we were wondering what was keeping them so long =.=''!! Nevermind we'll just wait patiently, there time for the advertisments anyway.
When we enter the cinema, we were just on time for the movie. Lucky us!! The dark surroundings really trigger my eagerness to doze off in the cinema, I knew I was tired, but I'll just have to endure it. I noticed Siew Chin was cold inside (I was sitting beside her), so I gave her my bag to hold ( I just finished my test). I guess she was the type of person who cannot really endure cold like me. I rate the movie around 3/5. I couldn't ask for more since it is a movie based on a game, so the flow of the story was very obvious to me already. Plus, the plot was quite predictable.
Once the movie finished, my vision blurred while back then. The fatigue must be getting to me by that time. Anyway, we went back to claim the cake Evonne left at the Korean Street Cafe for safe keeping. Well, its now or never if we were ever going to buy a present for Siew Chin. So, me and Wei Fung "excused" ourselves to go and buy a present saying that we were going to the toilet. Evonne susggested that we bring the cake over to the Jusco food court where there will be tables and chairs. For some reason, the matches wouldn't work, so how are we going to light the candles? We ARE in a food court, so just get a candle and give it to the chef and have them light it for us. One candle can light other candles....
Well, when me and Wei Fung "excused" ourselves, we went to an accessories store to buy Siew Chin a necklace. Well, since it stated there Buy 1 Free 1, I thought might as well get two of the same design and give on each to Siew Chin and Evonne. Maybe as a symbol of their friendship or what-so-ever. I couldn't really think straight already at that time. The time has comed to where I must fullfill my promise to Evonne made 3 months ago. TIME TO CUT AND EAT THE CAKE!!

Siew Chin's Cake

There she goes~
Its a miricle how 5 people can finish up a cake!! AND BOY!! ARE WE STUFFED!!! It was a coffee jelly cake if I m not mistaken. By this point my fatigue was really getting to me already. For someone with a hobby of "sleeping" like me, the lack of sleep can be very dangerous. Last Tuesday, I nearly met the Grim Reaper, but with luck, I avoided it. I don't know if I can be so lucky again. So it was time to pay up since we decided to share the expenses among ourselves. Siew Chin's movie ticket was under my tab, so she doesn't have to pay, but I was kinda reluctant to ask Evonne to pay. After looking at Wei Ming, what the heck, just take the money.

After that, we wondered around aimlessly like wondering ghosts. We got no idea what to do now, haha. Siew Chin and Evonne decided to go home, and we're like anything. Siew Chin offered us a ride home!!! Thus saved money on cab fare! THANK YOU!!! So, we meet up with Siew Chin's parents in Parkson and they gave us a ride home. They dropped me off first since I was the furthest. I reached home, I was surprised that Hugo was waiting for me, I guess my parents din't take him out. Oh well, go offer some incense to the altars, took a bath and I slept till 10pm plus.
Today was really fun, but it will be more enjoyable if my fatigue level was at 0%. I really home we can go out together again some other time.

Image Of The Day
Credits goes to Wei Fung for the photos.