Phew....2 months in PLKN...finally i am out!! Why would i say so you might ask?? Reasons are simple~
1. Most of the chinese population are out, those left as the baddies (samsengs, gangsters, etc etc), if you wan me to mix with them? no way!! I dun wan to be another "Jeevanesan"!!
2. I injure my back in PLKN!!! It hurts!! ARGH!!!!
3. All my friends are going out!! the malays, chinese and indians!!!
4. Kembara Halangan and Tali Tinggi cannot play, not safe enough to get the letter of approval!!
See why i go out? There are no activities left for me to play, so why should i bother to push myself even more? My back aches because I pushed myself far beyond my limits, need to see doctor ady de! Moreover, no friends in PLKN sucks!! =x
My pals.....gonna miss them *sobs*
More of them, WAAAA I MISS MY FRIENDS!!!!
Anyway, I am going to start my story, so brace yourselves!!!
1st of all, I wanna brag about my promotion~~ wakakakaka!!!!! From Head Of Dorm, I got promoted into Deputy In Command Squad!! The only male chinese to hold this position!! zzz!!
My sexy badge!! Haha!!
To tell the truth, I was also very surprise to me that teacher asked me to hold this position where there much more better candidates then me...(=.='').
I just shot the Colt M16 last week!! And I WAS FREAKKING FUN TO PLAY WITH!!! Live ammunations, no chalks!! But....i only get 64/100 marks...ok, i know i suck...pls dun critic me anymore!!
Anyway, after the Qing Ming holidays, I went back to camp ya? This time, Me and Arvind (one of my indian friends, Charlie Deputy In-Command Squad) waged war with the camp administators. We wrote a letter and made petitions for the trainess to sign about our discontent with the food in da canteen!! I still got the photo copy of the letter and the petition signed by the trainees with me~ As the older generations like to say, if u wanna eat, u hav to work for it!!
And our food really taste better from that time onwards (after we sent the letter and petition). Even the canteen slash prices on the can drinks (originally RM2 per tin), now got offer, 2 tins for RM3 or 2 tins for RM4 + a 500ml mineral water. Impressive eh? Work for your food!! Dun sit around!! the world won't change like that!!
Life in NS is not that bad once we get use to it......meet my boss, the penghulu of the camp (rank 4)
I dun know why he pose until like this....
My Boss, Abdul Rahman, i respect him fully from the bottom of my heart!! He is a very good person, too bad he hav to leave too under education circustances, but he usues the form 6 letter as a ticket to go out too, like me, both of us dun plan to go for form 6.
Back to character building classes, it actually has 2 different modules. The 1st module uis about knowing yourself better. The second modue is about knowing the people around you better. Its almost as the same as the Program Maju Diri we had in school, but the only difference is the method they teach!!! Its kinda fun if u really join in the crowd and go with the flow...I might complain or resist abit at 1st, but once i adapt to it...I simply juz join the crowd go bananas with them~
Ok, after the character building classes, we hav the Intergration Classes (Kelas Intergrasi). This class consist of 3 modules, The Religion, The Culture and The Duty Of Man and Women. My teacher was Cikgu Hamzahri, he promised to send me the photoes he took during the class, but i hav yet to recieve any...*sobs*. Anyway this class promotes understanding between each races about their religion and all that stuff la. It also teaches us about the duty of man and women in today's society, which i disagree with some of them since i believe in equal treatment for everyone. They are trying to brainwash me!!! ARGH!! NOOOOOO!! Thank god I am those kind hard head people~
The last day of the Intergration Class, each class ( 7 classes all) hav to do a performance. On that current day, we hav self-defence performance, tarian joget, boria (my groupie, i got dance too!!), tarian kuda kepang, tarian hindu, dikir barat, and persembahan perkahwinan!! That very day was fun!! Alot of perople enjoyed it!! We were cheering and shouting all the way after one performance end and we did the same with the next!
After the intergration classes, we hav the Nationality Classes (Kelas Kenegaraan), which u all know, teaches us to be patriotic and all those kind of crap. This time, me and Rahman is in the same class, together, we ROCKED the class!! Teacher was also quite happy with our performance in class, they admit it themselves~~ hohohoho~~ OK, OK, I might not be the joker type in school ya? But i am in NS, no one knows me there, i can freely be who-so-ever i want to~ This class teaches us about, Communication (Perhubungan), Mother Land (Tanah Air), People (Rakyat), Government (Kerajaan), Sovereignty (Kedaulatan), Internal Challanges ( Cabaran Dalam Negara) and External Challenges (Cabaran Luar Negara). I din't manage to finish the class since I left camp early...but the activites were fun, VERY fun....
We also got water sports in camp, there was an inter-company competition where each company competes with each other in kayak single, kayak double and rafting. As for me, i participated in the rafting competition and we won 2nd place~
Lookie, the one on the right side, 1st person is me~
There is still alot of things to talk about, but to make long stories short, i can summerize that the activities maybe childish and all, but they acutually got a deep meaning behind it. The physical activities such as creativity sport such as Aprem and Water Rescue requires teamwork and intelligence from the participating members, therefore, we cannot rely on pure brute strength. Most of the physical activities need teamwork, or else we will fail, there was never a one-man-show in the activity....
Just last Friday, my camp held a merentas desa activity, i participated as well, the course in my camp is up hill and down hill all the way, up, down, up, down, up, down~ the course should be around 3km~5km. I clocked a time of 15 minutes 55 seconds, seems like i am rusting ady...apart from that, i pushed myself beyond my limits again...till now my back aches....haiz...
Weng Lam, Jeeva, i hope u guys experience the same thing as i do in camp, u guys remember the chicken dance? Its very funny~ here is the video i picked from youtube, not my camp though...
Yes, i know it looks lame, but, sometimes, we juz need to relieve ourself from our stress with some laughter ya? And then, we hav the tarian poco-poco!!!
This video is from my camp, but its the 1st batch de....all these dance was taught by Cikgu Thambi!! Very sporting old fella!! Sangat gatal too!!! =X.
I guess I am done for now...I'll put up more photoes when i am free, oh yar, as promised, the flag that i "designed"~
Ok, here is more to come, haha...I guess the story never ends~ Anyway, i guess i'll start off by introducing some of my teachers....
Yer....I hav to leave my good teachers...I m in their debt forever....
Ok, I won't be saying all the teachers la...juz those i know well, the picture is just for show, the teachers I am going to say some may not be in the picture, to my PLKN friends who is reading my blog, if u guys wanna add anything, leave a message and some description in my chatbox~
1st of all, I wanna say is my camp's Ketua Jurulatih (KJ), Cikgu Mat Nor...he was a very good teacher, he likes to tell stories about his expirence and all....he is very strict when he is on duty, but he is very kind during off duties. He even assisted me and Arvind wage war against the camp adminstrators.
Then, i got Cikgu Hafiz!! My Character Building Class teacher~ Well, between the 3 teachers in my class, he is the only male...haha...anyway, he is a great person, very sporting, likes to join in the fun and also make funny gerak ceria's every morning~~ Kehidupan seorang Mat Rempit, Postman, Jurulatih PLKN, Pelatih PLKN, seorang Perompak, etc etc, alot more things he done. When he teaches, he sometime gets 'jammed' haha, tergugap-gugap~
Then, I also got Cikgu Huda for Character Building class~ As same as Cikgu Hafiz, she is always smiling and likes to joke around. The weird thing is, not matter how many times I gone against her facts (haven got use to the class yet that time, I was quite rebellious). She still stood by her facts and try to convince me about her facts...such dedicated teachers are hard to come by ya? Anyway, the 1st thing she taught me in CB classes are "tiada yang betul and tiada yang salah", there is no right answer nor there is a wrong answer...i dun really understand at 1st, but then, i come to relieze, that there is no right or no wrong in myself, it juz see if i want to do it anot.
Next, Cikgu Mila....she recently got married last month (congratz to her). Surprisingly, I though I wouldn't see my teachers again after the CB classes again due to shuffle students and teachers. But lucky for me, I got back Shenn, Que and Cikgu Mila for Nationality Class~ Cikgu Mila is a very straight foward and scary teacher!! She may look sweet and nice from the outside (she is), but told us this during class..."jika kamu nak tidur, boleh, cikgu akan tulis nama kamu supaya esok kamu boleh berehat di kem and tidak perlu pergi ke khidmat komuniti esok". Wahh!!! Khidmat Komuniti who dun wanna go orh??!! Its a real threat!! Anyhow, she is still a great teacher~
Cikgu Thambi!! I never get bored of him~ He is always full of jokes~ HE even got his own tepuk sorakan!!
Tepuk, tepuk Cikgu Thambi!!
Jangan Kau Menduga Aku!
Haha, it was really funny!! He always say saya batuk dua kali kamu sudah siap!! Or, when we are slow, he will always say terhegeh-hegeh!! That word seem to be a trademark in Kem Titian Bintangor now~ And if we go against his orders, he will shout as us, JANGAN KAU MENDUGA AKU!! Cikgu Thambi is also a womanizer, he likes to disturb the girls and he gets jelous whne we do so...haha, he hands out work for us to do when we are talking with the girls such as picking up the trash and all...
Then, Cikgu Naziman...also a very nice teacher, but very strict!! His trademark is, "Kamu sporting dengan saya. saya sporting dengan kamu". OK la, when he is sporting he is really fun to fool around with~ But when is mad, he is scary!! And he always say "kamu langsung tidak sporting dengan saya!!". Cikgu Naziman is very special somehow!! You cannot tell the difference between him and other trainees in the camp!! If he sits in your dormitory, you wouldn't notice him since we would think he is juz another trainee!!!
Cikgu Firdaus, my dormitory teacher....a very tall teacher, as tall as Aik Cheong I think, oh well, if there is anything wrong about the dorm and all, the 1st person he will find is me (=.=''). That time I was still the Head Of Dorm I think...but after that he still relies on me on the dorm activities, what happen to the new Head Of Dorm?! Having morning exercises with him is fun~ He does all kind of heavy training, usually like raising your leg six inch from the ground and all kind of stuff~~ With him, we also go jogging out from the camp!! That day, we shouted!! "Ada lebuhraya di depan!! Cepat!! Kita Lari!!". That was really a spirit booster~ We ran all the way till the edge!!
Cikgu Supa'at, the teacher who gave me my rank, I am most in debt to him for giving me the chance to lead my fellow comrades and gain new expiriences as well. This teacher is abit soft, his voice is also quite slow, but deep down inside, for all we know that we know that he care for us....the rank he gav me gave me alot of trouble...people start calling me names...especially the malays, they thought I "rampas" Hafizul's rightful rank for being the Deputy In-Command Squad. Hafizul was caught for smoking, therefore teacher took away the rank, they do not understand this fact....and yet...they called me "Gila Kuasa". I do not blame them for calling me names, but I juz wish they understand the true story behind it....
I guess I am done for my favourite teachers, if i left out any, most proberly i forgotten since I am writing this at night...blur ady~
Me and Rahman, who says a Chinese and Malay cannot be jokers together?!
Me and Deputy Chief~ The sole chinese with the highest rank *salutes*
Lookie~ Its OBAMA!!
Very ulu de place hor~~ I am surrounded by trees~
From Left, Kian Hoe, Ah Khien and Ah Jin~
From Left, Kian Hoe, Ah Jin, Ah Foong and Ah Fu
My good pals....I'll miss them....
Ah Jin
Ah Loong
Ah Zhuang (Fei Zi Zhuang)
Ah Pok (not pork!!)
Ah Bing ( Xiao Bing/ Bing Gan)
Ah Hao (Chinese Chess King, pro ma)
Ah Foong (The Invincible Wushu Kid)
There is alot more friends I i wish to show, but I do not have their photoes for now...I do not put your photoes does not mean I am not your friend. Biar hilang di mata, jangan hilang di hati!! Ok, update till version 2 is here only...most likely version 3 will come...too tired to continue to blog ady...zzzz
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